Think Before You Click Posters

By: Jarell Ralf Halili
By: Shekaylla Navarro
By: Ernfred Pjneda
By: Junelle Mariah Hidalgo
By: Micah Caballero
By: John Edson Comonical
By: Rachel Espinosa
By: Yzabela Cordova
By: Franz Peter Ferrer
By: Dana Mae Alcosaba

Published by Group 1 EmpTech

As we are facing the 21st generation, wherein we are free to express ourselves and do what ever we want through social interaction and engagement like the use of social media, because of our freedom of expression we tend to forget that we have already stepped on other people's rights. "Think before you click," as we are all open with new technology, we are exposed to different things. Things that can either help us or destroy us as a person. Some things that we see in the internet are not good and can affect other people. Think about this, " If your friends made fun of you and posted it on the internet? How would you feel? If someone,who is suicidal saw your post about 'overly dramatic people thinking that they are depressed!', How would they feel?". We must put in our mind that thinking about the outcome before sharing something can save a lot of lives.

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